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About me

Born in Germany, Sophie Atlas is currently attending the Berklee College of Music since Fall 2023 focusing on the Contemporary Writing and Production Major as a singer-songwriter. The 18-year old multi-instrumentalist writes German as well as English indie-pop songs that focus on their experience as a queer person. They advocate the importance of acceptance and open up people minds to the diverse culture that surrounds us with their emotional, deep and authentic lyricism. The young artist started releasing their music at the age of 14 and played their first concert 2022. Up till now they played a lot of national as well as international stages such as the Cavern Pub in Liverpool, the Queer Charity Event in Cologne, and as a winner of the national German songwriter competition “Treffen junge Musik-Szene“ in Berlin. Till this day, Sophie released a self-written and arranged EP, 7 Singles and their Debut Album "Rainbow". Their songs have been mixed by David Iu, Apemedia, and the album has additionally been mastered by Fritz Fey, Double-D Mastering. The songwriter, who just received the "Best New Artist Award" from the renowned Berklee College of Music, is working on their second album "the smell of growing old" right now. 

"you are so talented, caring and great to work with. thank you!"


"[Sophie Atlas] shares their song about the anxiety and fear that can come with growing up. Watch them sing their heart out"
"The singer, songwriter and composer Sophie Heuschkel (17) from Duisburg is an exceptional talent."

Rheinische Post

"Young musician from Duisburg gives queer people a voice" (translated)

Diego Tenore, NRZ

Berklee College of Music

"We were randomly at the stage in Cologne where you were playing and in the end it was a weekend highlight for us" (translated)

"wow this is hitting
hard today"


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